2023 Inns of Court program

Our Associates Janessa Mason and Cory Russell have just completed the Winter 2023 session of the Vancouver Bar Association Inns of Court program.

The Inns of Court program hosts regular dinners to connect junior lawyers with judges and senior practitioners, and leads engaging, informal discussions on important professional development topics.

Reflecting on this experience, Ms. Mason observed: “One of the things I most appreciated was having an opportunity to brainstorm some of the problem-solving strategies with our colleagues who work in different areas of law. In particular, our different practices and very different professional experiences absolutely shaped how we approach problems. A colleague in a corporate setting has a totally different way of approaching document discovery, for example, than does a family law lawyer, and so it was interesting discussing those experiences and seeing a new way of approaching the same problem.”

It’s a professional development experience they would highly recommend to other lawyers with two to eight years at the bar. Applications are currently being accepted for upcoming cohorts.

We thank the Vancouver Bar Association for continuing this important mentorship tradition.