Since 2017, the BC Ministry of Energy, Mines and Low Carbon Innovation has issued Administrative Monetary Penalties (AMPs) to support the enforcement of the Mines Act, associated regulations, and permits issued under the Act.
Ascendion Law has studied thirty-nine Determinations of Administrative Penalties, representing a complete dataset of all decisions published by the EMLI.
Our white paper can help mining companies subject to administrative action by the Chief Inspector predict the average fines and penalties they may receive. This data set provides insight into which factors are more likely to either mitigate or increase a potential penalty – such as due diligence, the compliance history of the companies or individuals involved, and the severity of the adverse effects of the violation.
Our study suggests three key compliance actions may help protect your company from regulatory action, or if a violation is found, potentially mitigate the size and severity of a penalty.
The AMP system is part of a wider trend of governments increasingly using administrative regulatory mechanisms to deal with violations and promote compliance. While this can be more time efficient and cost effective than court proceedings, it requires fewer procedural safeguards.
Understanding your rights and responsibilities during any regulatory investigation is critical. Legal counsel can provide guidance on understanding legal obligations, developing effective response strategies, and protecting the company's interests throughout the process.
Visit our site to download the full white paper, including a detailed analysis of the factors that determine the size and severity of any penalties.