Most of us understand debt collection on the surface (i.e. Person A owes Person B an amount of money), but what we don’t often see is the finer points of a debt claim and what should be included.
Rethinking Discovery
Check out Chilwin's latest article published in the April 2018 issue of BarTalk.
April 06, 2018
Litigation Involving Out-of-Province Litigants
There is a body of law governing the international aspects of contracts. First, the courts look to whether there is a clause in the contract that names a jurisdiction as the proper law of the contract and the place in which litigation will take place.
March 18, 2018
BC Security Commission Multimillion Dollar Order + Penalty
The Court of Appeal recently affirmed the BC Securities Commission’s decision to impose significant fines on a purported financial advisor selling exempt market products
June 08, 2016