The Canadian Bar Association - BC appointed Chilwin Cheng to its Innovation and Business Practice committee. The Committee identifies changes that impact lawyers' business and the practice of law.
Ascendion Law
Recent Posts
We welcome Cory and Katy to Ascendion Law!
Cory graduated from the UK with an LL.B. and completed the requirements to commence articles in Canada.
Appeal to Supreme Court of Canada
Ascendion Law represented eighteen protestors who engaged in the act of civil disobedience at the Burnaby Terminal of the Trans Mountain Pipeline. Despite our efforts, the court convicted our clients. We appealed that conviction.
Ascendion Law at CBA West 2019 Legal Conference
Chilwin Cheng will be presenting at this year's Canadian Bar Association's CBA West Legal Conference in Kelowna, B.C. on April 27.
Announcing a historic win for Ascendion Law
Ascendion Law has successfully defended the CEO of the former Banks Island Gold Inc. in a second trial associated with the alleged tailings spill at the Banks Island Gold mine site near Prince Rupert, BC.
Appeal in Trans Mountain Pipeline protest cases
Were Martin Luther King Jr. and Mahatma Gandhi criminals? Should people involved in peaceful civil disobedience of court orders be labelled as criminals?
You don't have to be alone on Blue Monday
Blue Monday reminds lawyers that we report rates of mental illness, substance abuse, self-harm, and debilitating anxiety at rates higher than the population average.
Ascendion Law is Growing with New Addition!
Ascendion Law is growing! Oliver Pulleyblank, a former clerk to Chief Justice McLachlin, is now working with us as Counsel.
The Insurance Council of BC and Continuing Education
Insurance Licensees should know of Policy ICN 17 - 005 - Failure to comply with the requirement for new licensees to complete the council rules course.
Takeaways from the CSA 2017/2018 Enforcement Report
The Canadian Securities Administrators recently released its 2017/2018 enforcement report, identifying numbers and strategic areas that they intend to pursue