On July 13th, 2018, Ascendion Law stood by Banks Island Gold, and Benjamin Mossman (CEO) and Dirk Meckert as the Provincial Court of British Columbia vindicated these two individuals
Ascendion Law
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Ministry of Mines Enforcement Report 2018
The Ministry of Energy and Mines recently released its operational plan for 2017/2018, also containing its prospective plan for its activities in 2018 and 2019.
New Mining Risk Enforcement Framework
The Ministry of Energy and Mines recently released its risk management framework for mining in British Columbia, one of the first new regulatory documents coming out of the reformed ministry structure in British Columbia for Mining, Energy and Petroleum resources.
Chilwin Cheng in the News
You may have seen Chilwin in the news recently in the Vancouver Sun. Follow us for developments in this case.
Rethinking Discovery
Check out Chilwin's latest article published in the April 2018 issue of BarTalk.
Litigation Involving Out-of-Province Litigants
There is a body of law governing the international aspects of contracts. First, the courts look to whether there is a clause in the contract that names a jurisdiction as the proper law of the contract and the place in which litigation will take place.
BC Security Commission Multimillion Dollar Order + Penalty
The Court of Appeal recently affirmed the BC Securities Commission’s decision to impose significant fines on a purported financial advisor selling exempt market products