In 2014, corporate and securities lawyers across Canada united with grave concern over the Ontario Superior Court of Justice's decision in Champion Iron Mines, 2014 ONSC 1988.
Why Lawyers are bad mediators
I just finished a mediation without success. And I realized one major issue is that lawyers are part of the problem.
Preparing a Great Chronology
Lawyers work most efficiently and effectively when they have a detailed history of a dispute from a client. Lawyers frequently call them "case chronologies". A good case chronology helps a lawyer:
Is there a deadline before which I must start my lawsuit?
In British Columbia (any other jurisdictions may have different rules), and with several exceptions, you must start your lawsuit within two years after you discover that you may have a lawsuit.
CLEBC Presents: Regulatory proceedings and criminal offences 2022
Chilwin Cheng and Janessa Mason, along with Jeremy Gellis of Cozen O’Connor, co-chair the first-ever conference about white-collar crime and regulatory enforcement hosted by the Continuing Legal Education Society of British Columbia.
New decision changes oppression proceedings
The recent decision from the BC Court of Appeal, Cepuran v. Carlton, 2022 BCCA 76, significantly changes how we devise litigation strategies to resolve a shareholder dispute.
2022 Top 25 Influential Lawyers Nomination
We are proud to announce Chilwin Cheng has been nominated for the 2022 Canadian Lawyer Magazine Top 25 Most Influential Lawyers list.
Defending executives in historic prosecution of mine spill in B.C.
The Ascendion team returns to Prince Rupert, British Columbia to defend two executives in the only trial associated with an alleged tailings pond spill.
Welcome to Marc
Please join us in welcoming Marc McNiven to the Ascendion team!
Court of Appeal Reverses Securities Commission Freeze Order
Ascendion Law successfully reversed the BC Securities Commission's order to freeze assets. The Commission froze our client’s bank accounts using new powers under the Securities Act.